
More than words: Conversational VS Behavioral intelligence

Yuval Heiman
4 people dancing

Conversational VS Behavioral intelligence

Communicating isn’t a simple task. Who amongst us didn’t feel misunderstood at some points in life? Well, that’s because we mostly rely on a basic, less integrative form of communication.

 Ever had the feeling you’re getting “mixed messages”? Did someone ever tell you that something is cool, but actually meant – “leave me alone”? You might be utterly correct! Some body language expressions are un-trainable, thus enabling us to subconsciously unfold the true message behind the words.


It all comes down to this:

Text and speech constitute only a small part of an interaction, whereas non-verbal communication holds 80% – 90% of the meaning found in human interactions.

In that way, conversational intelligence poses obvious limitations providing insights regarding the nature of an interaction.

It is up to new analysis tools to deliver truly integrative insights – examining digital encounters as if we were sitting in the same room, when we are sitting in the same Zoom.


So what’s the difference between Conversational and Behavioral intelligence tools?

It’s simple, all you have to do is look after the Source, the data, and ways to use that data.

- Conversational intelligence is basically a software that generates insights using AI to analyze speech or text, whereas Behavioral intelligence will be a software that generates insights based on analyzed Behavioral data.

- Data-wise, Conversational intelligence softwares will handle text or speech that’s been examined and made into text. Behavioral intelligence is using AI in a different, more human-oriented way to investigate human behavioral elements. In that way, Behavioral intelligence grants access to a larger base of data from different sources; facial expressions, posture and body movement, gestures and more!

- Using the data to generate insights is where things get DIFFERENT. Assuming the reason we interact is to transfer information, speak (and maybe close deals)- relying on words isn’t enough. One does not simply believe everything everyone says. Behaviors, on the other hand, don’t lie. Behavioral intelligence insights are without a doubt a more reliable tool for insights generation, as they identify and analyze the most subtle and unconscious behaviors that people may even try to hide.

To be quite frank- using the right tool to generate insights is crucial to any business, especially in B2B. The difference between Conversational and Behavioral intelligence tools is essentially the difference between eating cereal with a fork or a spoon. You’ll get cereal either way- but one of the tools clearly isn't equipped well enough for the job.

Now with Novacy, a verbal and non-verbal analysis platform, you’ll be able to access a whole new level of analytics! Know how your prospects feel even when they try to keep it cool.