Novacy VS Chorus ai:
Why more Sales Professionals choose Novacy

Novacy offers a comprehensive solution that combines Conversational Intelligence with Behavioral Intelligence for sales leaders and an AI Sales coach for reps!

Words are super useful, but you know what else is useful? The Whole Picture

Realistic and Transparent Expectations: Compare Novacy & Chorus ai
Where Novacy is ahead
Flexible Pricing, Same Value
Non Verbal Language Processing
Self Serve
Where Novacy is behind
HR Solution
NLP Patents
Followup emails

Novacy vs Chorus ai - Fair and square

Chorus ai
Target Audience
SMB and Mid-market
Free Trial
Pricing Flexibility
Monthly / Annual pricing models
Platform fee + Annual plan
Best Value
0$ CS Team onboarding and training
Training Materials
Behavioral Intelligence
Non Verbal Communication Analysis
AI-Meeting Assistant
Automated Transcripts
Autonomous AI Sales Coach
Meeting collaboration
Snippet sharing
Library / Knowledge Base
Comment, @ mention, reply
Conversation Intelligence
Interaction Skills (Talk time, Monologue, etc…)
Topic Intelligence (duration, start timing, etc…)
Coaching Usage (self-review, peer review, etc…)

Step Beyond Words into Behavioral Insights