Novacy VS Fathom:
Why more Sales Teams choose Novacy

Novacy combines Conversational Intelligence with Behavioral Intelligence to deliver unprecedented accuracy in sales insights!

Words are generally useful, but you know what else is useful? The Whole Picture

Realistic Expectations, Transparent Results: Compare Novacy & Fathom
Where Novacy is ahead
Non Verbal Language Processing
Sales Oriented insights
Where Novacy is behind
Multi Language Support
Real Time Tagging Capabilities

Novacy vs Fathom - Fair and square

Target Audience
SMB and Mid-market Sales teams
SMBs and Mid-market
Free Trial
1 Month free trialUse all features
2 Weeks free trialLimited features
Pricing Flexibility

Monthly and Annual pricing options. 

Monthly and annual pricing options.
Best Value
AI-Meeting Assistant
Automated Transcripts
Words Tracking
Topic Tracking
Sales CoachAI
Behavioral Intelligence
Non Verbal Communication Analysis
Meeting Recording
Automatic Meeting Recording
Video and Audio
Video and Audio
Meeting Platform Supported
Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams
Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams
Download meetings
Meeting collaboration
Snippet sharing
Library / Knowledge Base
Comment, @ mention, Reply
Conversation Intelligence
Interaction Skills (Talk time, Monologue, etc…)
Topic Intelligence (duration, start timing, etc…)
Coaching Usage (self-review, peer review, etc…)
Deal Risks
2-Way Native CRM integration
HubSpot, SalesForce
HubSpot, SalesForce

Give your sellers the unfair advantage