Sales Leader
Account Executive
Customer Success Manager
Behavioral AI for Account Executive

Still analyzing meeting’s transcripts?

Increase your closing rate and improve your relationship building with behavioral insights
We feel you. 
Never fall into ambiguity again! Use behavioral-data-driven insights to strengthen your relationships. By analyzing both verbal and non-verbal communication, you can follow up with certainty, accuracy and sensitivity. 
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Enhance your virtual interpersonal skills and STAND OUT

Account Executives face numerous challenges in managing complex sales cycles and building strong client relationships. Novacy offers comprehensive solutions to help you better understand your clients' true motivations, opinions, and needs, leading to a more effective deal management process and higher closing rates.
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Identify hidden objections and issues
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Adapt your selling techniques to different clients
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Analyze meetings effectively
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Forecast with accuracy

Novacy's Account Executives Suite

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AI-powered analysis of both verbal and non-verbal communication
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Automated meeting summaries, next steps and deal risks
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Complete pipeline overview with Deal360
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Dynamic and personalized performance dashboard
Insights for Immediate Impact

Continuous Improvement Through AI-Driven Feedback

Novacy's AI analyzes your virtual interactions, providing instant feedback on your performance. This allows you to make immediate adjustments and improvements to your sales approach during crucial negotiations.
Skill Enhancement Based on Behavioral Intelligence:
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Refine your communication style for maximum effectiveness
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Learn to read and respond to clients' non-verbal cues
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Develop personalized strategies based on client behavior
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Track progress and measure improvement over time
Novacy’s high-level pipeline management solution

Orchestrate your pipeline with precision

Use our Deal360 page to experience complete pipeline visibility, track leakage, and address promptly. Novacy goes beyond words, so you can feel every nuance, and build fierce, long lasting, relationships.

Detailed Summaries for Actionable Insights

After each meeting, Novacy provides comprehensive summaries that highlight key points, identify potential deal risks, and suggest follow-up actions to keep deals moving forward.
Empowering Account Executives with their professional acumen

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Gain a holistic view of your deal pipeline
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Identify trends and patterns across all client interactions
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Make informed decisions on negotiation points
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Improve forecasting accuracy based on behavioral insights
Decode Client Behavior for Better Outcomes

Words are great, but you can never go wrong with the WHOLE PICTURE

Novacy's sophisticated system analyzes text, speech, and body language, allowing you to understand your clients' true thoughts and feelings beyond their words, giving you a competitive edge in negotiations.

Collaborate with your teammates

Sometimes, sales are like trampolines. Jumping together gets you higher.
Share genuine customer feedback to elicit the best responses from product teams, SEs, or leadership.
Drive continuous performance improvements across the team.
Analyze your efficiency as a team.
Don't let valuable insights slip through the cracks. Empower yourself and your colleagues with Novacy's behavioral intelligence platform.