Sales cycle optimization
AI Sales coaching & training
AI Meeting notetaker
Effortless Sales Training Starts Here

Let there be Coaching.

We know how difficult it is to make time to coach your reps. Using our behavioral intelligence platform, you won’t have to! Streamline your coaching and training efforts with Novacy’s Autonomous Sales Coach, that will accompany your team after every sales call.
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Understand your shortcomings, and repair them with behavioral insights

Effective sales coaching and training are essential for building a quota-crushing high-performing sales team. Novacy's platform provides a behavioral-data-driven approach to coaching and training.

Reveal every rep’s masteries and areas for improvement, and save video snippets from real customer interactions to review later: coachable moments, pitfalls to avoid and best practices.
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Autonomous and personalized coaching
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Cut Ramp-up time with confidence
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Monitor your playbook’s effectiveness
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Store your growing library of best practices
No time? No problem!

Novacy’s Sales CoachAI personalized coaching.

Is it your demo? Is it your messaging? Your discovery sequence? Can’t tell?
we got you! Novacy’s here to identify and dismantle whatever obstacle that comes your way. Novacy’s platform is designed for professional revenue teams, allowing them to extract actionable strategic and tactical insights. Use Novacy’s performance page to easily monitor your team’s ongoing performance, and replicate good moments you’ve found along the way without breaking a sweat. Sit back as your sales cycle slowly gets optimized for you, and let your prospects enjoy an enhanced buying journey.

How it works

Unlock Personalized Coaching
Sit back as our CoachAI understands customer reactions and provides automatic and personalized coaching to your reps!
Highlight and Replicate Sales Excellence
Identify top-performing sales reps and easily share their best practices across the team.
Make a habit out of growing
Continuously refine your training programs based on behavioral-data-driven insights and autonomous continuous coaching.

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What Sales Superheroes Say About Novacy

Aviad Ahnaiderman, Co-Founder & CEO @ AuraAir

We integrated Novacy to bridge the performance gap among our sales team. Initially, we had A players excelling, but 85% of our team were B players or below. With Novacy, we identified each rep's strengths and weaknesses and crafted a coaching plan based on Novacy's success criteria. Within three months, we saw a 24% increase in our B players' closing ratios. It's an essential tool for any sales stack.

Mark Rose, Founder and CEO @ Ballistra Technologies inc.

Thanks Novacy because its tech solutions like yours that will power businesses to increase their revenue 10x. Novacy's innovative platform offers a suite of tools that not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of sales processes but also unlocks the potential for businesses growth.

Larry Long Jr. , CEO (Chief Energy Officer) & Keynote Speaker/Emcee

I've enjoyed using Novacy's platform, which is the Trifecta in leveraging leveraging body language via Video, sentiment & verbal analysis, to help w/ coaching & closing more deals. Their platform is Game-Changing in this new normal, virtual B2B sales world that is here to stay.

Jonathan Bergerbest, Lead Global Business Development @ Swapp

As a Business Development Manager, I've used a wide range of productivity-enhancing tools and platforms over the years. But let me tell you, Novacy is really something when it comes to getting useful insights and achieving successful outcomes.

Oliver Pilsbury-Gaunt, Director of Business Development @ RideTandem

Our sales pitches were not just heard but felt, leading to an improvement in sales conversion rates by 12%.

Jeff Glickaman, EVP Global Sales @ Referral-ai

Novacy's Revenue Intelligence platform goes beyond analyzing recorded sales meetings, they know how to analyze the people in the meetings!!!

Eitan Rosenfeld, Vice President of Sales & Marketing @ Expeed

Novacy is here to help you review calls extremely quickly! Like 8-10 times quicker and more effectively than watching a recorded call all the way through.

Robet Curtis, Co-CEO @ Pipe Global

People respect what you inspect. Giving real feedback on the plays your sales person is making will guide them to improvement and closing more revenue. There are so many tools on the market to achieve this. I'm biased, we just love Novacy.

Idan Arealy, CRO @ Anagog

Do yourself a favor, and level up your sales stack, make sure you have the tools to really understand your prospects, by using the video calls' body language capabilities of Novacy

Zachary Gropper, CEO @ Insight Revenue

The guys at Novacy are really focused on better sales conversations, data and coaching and we love that.

Adam Torkildson, Founder & President @ Tork Media

Novacy’s impact on the B2B sales landscape transcends mere technological innovation; it marks a paradigm shift towards a more human-centric approach in the digital age. By extracting the unspoken language of business interactions, Novacy bridges the gap between virtual and face-to-face communication and ensures that sales professionals are equipped with the tools they need to thrive in today’s cutthroat business environment.

Nadav Kemper Co-Founder & CEO @ Quack AI

Novacy is by far the best tool I used for sales calls! Keep rocking!

Moti Gabay, VP Customer Success @ Gloat

Understanding opportunities like this is amazing! Novacy's innovative approach to leveraging behavioral intelligence in sales interactions has revolutionized the way sales professionals understand and capitalize on opportunities.

Assa Eldar, Co-Founder & CRO @

I highly recommend Novacy for its intuitive ability to reveal customer reactions in sales interactions. Perfecting our pitch based on prospects’ reactions led to an improvement in sales conversion rates by 23%.

Patrick O'Connor, Business Development Representative @ NachoNacho

Novacy is fantastic for online meetings. Plus, it's a budget-friendly solution that helps you save both time and money. Definitely worth checking out!

Leigh Solomon, Vice President Strategic Growth @ IGM Technologies

I definitely recommend Novacy for its unique ability to tap into prospects’ emotions an uncover hidden objections that may occur in a sales cycle. The platform has been instrumental in cutting down our BDR training time by 50%.

Aviad Ahnaiderman, Co-Founder & CEO @ AuraAir

We integrated Novacy to bridge the performance gap among our sales team. Initially, we had A players excelling, but 85% of our team were B players or below. With Novacy, we identified each rep's strengths and weaknesses and crafted a coaching plan based on Novacy's success criteria. Within three months, we saw a 24% increase in our B players' closing ratios. It's an essential tool for any sales stack.

Mark Rose, Founder and CEO @ Ballistra Technologies inc.

Thanks Novacy because its tech solutions like yours that will power businesses to increase their revenue 10x. Novacy's innovative platform offers a suite of tools that not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of sales processes but also unlocks the potential for businesses growth.

Larry Long Jr. , CEO (Chief Energy Officer) & Keynote Speaker/Emcee

I've enjoyed using Novacy's platform, which is the Trifecta in leveraging leveraging body language via Video, sentiment & verbal analysis, to help w/ coaching & closing more deals. Their platform is Game-Changing in this new normal, virtual B2B sales world that is here to stay.

Jonathan Bergerbest, Lead Global Business Development @ Swapp

As a Business Development Manager, I've used a wide range of productivity-enhancing tools and platforms over the years. But let me tell you, Novacy is really something when it comes to getting useful insights and achieving successful outcomes.

Oliver Pilsbury-Gaunt, Director of Business Development @ RideTandem

Our sales pitches were not just heard but felt, leading to an improvement in sales conversion rates by 12%.

Jeff Glickaman, EVP Global Sales @ Referral-ai

Novacy's Revenue Intelligence platform goes beyond analyzing recorded sales meetings, they know how to analyze the people in the meetings!!!

Eitan Rosenfeld, Vice President of Sales & Marketing @ Expeed

Novacy is here to help you review calls extremely quickly! Like 8-10 times quicker and more effectively than watching a recorded call all the way through.

Robet Curtis, Co-CEO @ Pipe Global

People respect what you inspect. Giving real feedback on the plays your sales person is making will guide them to improvement and closing more revenue. There are so many tools on the market to achieve this. I'm biased, we just love Novacy.

Idan Arealy, CRO @ Anagog

Do yourself a favor, and level up your sales stack, make sure you have the tools to really understand your prospects, by using the video calls' body language capabilities of Novacy

Zachary Gropper, CEO @ Insight Revenue

The guys at Novacy are really focused on better sales conversations, data and coaching and we love that.

Adam Torkildson, Founder & President @ Tork Media

Novacy’s impact on the B2B sales landscape transcends mere technological innovation; it marks a paradigm shift towards a more human-centric approach in the digital age. By extracting the unspoken language of business interactions, Novacy bridges the gap between virtual and face-to-face communication and ensures that sales professionals are equipped with the tools they need to thrive in today’s cutthroat business environment.

Nadav Kemper Co-Founder & CEO @ Quack AI

Novacy is by far the best tool I used for sales calls! Keep rocking!

Moti Gabay, VP Customer Success @ Gloat

Understanding opportunities like this is amazing! Novacy's innovative approach to leveraging behavioral intelligence in sales interactions has revolutionized the way sales professionals understand and capitalize on opportunities.

Assa Eldar, Co-Founder & CRO @

I highly recommend Novacy for its intuitive ability to reveal customer reactions in sales interactions. Perfecting our pitch based on prospects’ reactions led to an improvement in sales conversion rates by 23%.

Patrick O'Connor, Business Development Representative @ NachoNacho

Novacy is fantastic for online meetings. Plus, it's a budget-friendly solution that helps you save both time and money. Definitely worth checking out!

Leigh Solomon, Vice President Strategic Growth @ IGM Technologies

I definitely recommend Novacy for its unique ability to tap into prospects’ emotions an uncover hidden objections that may occur in a sales cycle. The platform has been instrumental in cutting down our BDR training time by 50%.